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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Mango Languages

Hey Friends there is no language called 'Mango' and neither Mangoes speak any language. This website I am presenting will teach you languages and that too in a simple way, I always had a passion to learn new languages and I am enjoying this new website in learning Japanese, yes there are several other languages like French, Spanish, Chinese that you can learn on this website and its a lot different. This will helpful for people from different countries. Best part is you can get trained not only in English but your native language too and also the site is very interactive.
One can learn the very basic of a language, I am in the middle of my lesson.., friends the website will ask you to register, go ahead and get register for free and get to learn the basics and if you want to learn higher levels you might need to get subscription, but I bet its good enough with the first lesson as you will easily learn most of the basic sentence formation to interact.
See you on the website folks... I am heading there!

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